We don't have 52 PEA puns for you today, but we do have infinite gratitude. In one year, we've expanded to five chapters, 15+ writers and editors, and 5 managers. In the next year, we're launching a big fundraiser, a new initiative for parent-teenager relationships, and a partnership with Restoration House, a local temporary living facility for homeless families.
We don't have 52 PEA puns for you today, but we do have infinite gratitude. In one year, we've expanded to five chapters, 15+ writers and editors, and 5 managers. In the next year, we're launching a big fundraiser, a new initiative for parent-teenager relationships, and a partnership with Restoration House, a local temporary living facility for homeless families.
While we don't have 52 jokes, we have 17 minutes of a meal leaving much-to-be-desired and light-hearted responses to questions our followers submitted on Instagram. Thank you for all of your support, we look forward to making more anniversary videos for years to come.
While we don't have 52 jokes, we have 17 minutes of a meal leaving much-to-be-desired and light-hearted responses to questions our followers submitted on Instagram. Thank you for all of your support, we look forward to making more anniversary videos for years to come.
We started 6 months ago on August 23rd, 2023. As we celebrate our sixth month anniversary, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for the incredible support we've received so far. We are truly humbled by the response and encouragement from our community. Whether it's through visiting our website, attending our events, or simply spreading the word, every contribution has made a meaningful impact on our journey.
We started 6 months ago on August 23rd, 2023. As we celebrate our sixth month anniversary, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for the incredible support we've received so far. We are truly humbled by the response and encouragement from our community. Whether it's through visiting our website, attending our events, or simply spreading the word, every contribution has made a meaningful impact on our journey.
Enjoy one pea joke for each week! Dad joke alert!!!
Enjoy one pea joke for each week! Dad joke alert!!!