The Benefits of...

We've all heard of melatonin gummies and ASMR to help us sleep. Do they really help? And if so, how do they work?

POST: Mental Benefits of ASMR

ASMR is a sensory experience characterized by tingling sensations that typically begin on the scalp and move down the neck and spine in response to specific auditory or visual triggers. While the scientific understanding of ASMR is still in its infancy, emerging research suggests that it holds promising mental health benefits for adolescents.

POST: The Power of Melatonin

Within the topic of sleep regulation lies a tiny but important hormone called melatonin, whose significance for teenagers cannot be overstated. There are many ways in which melatonin is important for adolescents and effective ways to boost its production naturally.

POST: Minimize So You Can MAXIMIZE

Minimalism is the practice of reducing one's material posessions, focusing on materials that are meaningful, in order to free up mental capacity for intangible things.