America's Chronic Sleep Deprivation

America is in a state of chronic sleep deprivation. This is associated with the popularity of social media and the imbalance of modern work-lives. Sleep deprivation contributes to diseases and decreased cognitive function.

What happens when you sleep?

There are four stages of sleep that repeat until you wake up (Source: Sleep Foundation):

N1 sleep: 1-5 minutes of transition from being awake to being asleep

N2 sleep: 10 minutes - 1 hour when brain activity, heart rate, and breathing rate slow down

N3 sleep: 1 hour - 2 hours of deep sleep in which the brain processes new memories and forms the neuro connections in "delta waves." At the same time, the body is repairing muscles, bones, and cells. 

N4 sleep: 1 hour - 90 minutes of REM (rapid-eye movement) sleep in which one has vivid dreams while the brain cleans out unnecessary information

When you do not get enough sleep, all of these stages are not properly completed. After a day or two of inadequate sleep, the next night has a disproportionately-sized N4 stage (REM) in which your brain will be too active, leading one to wake up tired, irritable, and more anxious or depressed than before.

Teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep.

0-3mo = 14-17 hrs

4-12mo = 12-16 hrs

1-5yr = 10-14 hrs

6-12yr = 9-12 hrs

13-18yr = 8-10 hrs

18+yr = 7-9 hrs

Reportedly more than 70% of teenagers don't reach those numbers. Nearly 60% of middle schoolers do not get adequate sleep, either. 

Effects and risks of student sleep-deprivation:

This chart shows the increase of reported sleep deprivation in teenagers, just in the last decade (Source: CDC). 

Causes of teenager sleep-deprivation:

What to do about it


Sleep deprivation is dangerous.

In the long run (when sleep deprivation becomes chronic), the consequences augment considerably. 

Long-term consequences of sleep deprivation

Written By: Siena