Beware These Ingestants

A cup of coffee every Monday morning? A snickers bar every Friday night? What really goes on when you indulge on these ingestants and why can they be so harmful in the long run?

POST: Boo! The Scary Truth About Halloween Candy Nutrition

America's annual candy-fest, also known as "Halloween," brings good memories and a big bag of treats. Although 6 year-olds can usually devour their stash in a matter of hours with only their dental health as a concern, teenagers and adults have more to worry about. As the number of eaten Snickers candy bars increases, so does the blood sugar level and thus risk of lasting pancreatic damage.

POST: Dangers of Sweet Treats

Sugar has a mixed reputation when it comes to health. Sugar occurs naturally in all carbohydrate-containing foods, including fruits and vegetables, grains, and dairy. Consuming entire meals that contain natural sugar is acceptable. Plant foods are high in fiber, vital minerals, and antioxidants, whereas dairy foods include protein and calcium.

POST: Limit of Caffeine

In the U.S., it’s become common to drink caffeine every single morning to get you ready for your day, but do we ever stop and wonder just how much the limit is? 

POST: The Truth About Artificial Sweeteners

An artificial sweetener is a substitute for sugar that contains little to no calories. A large variety of people, from people trying to lose weight to people who have diabetes, utilize artificial sweeteners in hopes of cutting down on sugar, but does it actually work?

POST: The Truth About Energy Drinks: Are They Helping or Hurting You?

Energy drinks are everywhere, vending machines, convenience stores. They're marketed as the best fix when one feels tired. Have to study late? Go to the gym? Need to get through a long day? Energy drinks claim they will keep you going. But do they actually help, or could they be causing more harm than good?