A Cheat Code for Performance: An Overview on Creatine
Creatine is often promoted by athletes and fitness content creators on social media, claiming it boosts performance, enhances endurance, and promotes muscle gain. However, it is still a chemical that is being put into your body, raising concerns about how effective creatine really is, and whether it’s even safe for consumption.
First, let’s talk about what creatine actually is. Creatine is an organic compound made of three amino acids (what proteins are made up of) known as L-arginine, glycine, and L-methionine. Aside from manufactured, synthetic creatine, creatine is actually synthesized by your body naturally, and it constitutes 1% of your blood. It is primarily stored in skeletal muscle and in the brain in the form of phosphocreatine, which can be converted into a high energy molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). In fact, 1.5-2% of naturally synthesized creatine is used by your body daily in order to supply energy to your muscles and brain, which are both high energy demanding. A person requires 1 to 3 grams of creatine a day. Half of it comes from your body, and the other half comes from red fish and meats.
However, for athletes, the body’s creatine production is too little when it comes to keeping up with their high intensity workouts. Synthetic creatine supplements have been created for individuals who expend significantly more energy in their day to day lives in order to increase energy production, improve athletic performance, and to allow them to train harder. According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN), larger athletes who train extremely often “may need to consume between 5-10 grams of creatine a day” to maintain their stores. Creatine supplements increase your muscles’ energy and strength by being converted into phosphocreatine by your body, which replenishing ATP, the body’s energy currency while the muscles are in use.
Is creatine safe?
Creatine is one of the most widely researched and used supplements in fitness and sports. Many studies have been conducted on its safety and effectiveness, and they have consistently shown that creatine can be used to improve physical performance and is safe for athletes. However, no creatine supplement has been approved by the FDA, and dangers still persist in the form of high dosages, such as gastrointestinal issues, nausea, stomach cramps, bloating, and increased risk of muscle strains due to its ability to enhance muscle mass.
The recommended dosage is 3-5g per day.
Can you take it if you’re a teen?
Creatine can be taken by teenagers, especially those that are athletes and spend most of their time training, however it is not recommended by most medical experts across the country. Reports have indicated that short-term use of creatine is generally safe for adult usage. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics states that few studies have looked at the long-term safety of creatine use by teenagers, and it is usually only recommended by doctors to athletes over the age of 18. Most experts believe that teens can reach their desired muscle gains through proper exercise without needing supplements like creatine.
Important things to know
Creatine requires a good amount of water to be taken with it. For one 5g dose of creatine, 12oz (375ml) must be consumed, and it is recommended that one drinks 3-4 liters of water daily while using creatine in order to improve the function of muscle contraction during excersize. Monitor urine color and see what works best.
However, in using creatine, there are certain strategies that can be used to maximize physical results, one of which is known as the loading phase. The loading phase is the phase when you’re first starting to take creatine, and lasts for 5-7 days after your first dose. It’s a strategy that involves taking an increased amount of creatine for a short amount of time to saturate your muscles, which acclimates them to the substance. During the loading phase, you can take 20g of creatine per day, divided into 4 5g servings. Make sure to drink extra water during this phase, around an extra 16-20 oz per day. This phase is proven to be beneficial, and is relatively safe.
All in all, creatine is a very helpful supplement to take for athletes, safely and effectively boosting recovery and performance.
Written by: Shengze