The Ups and Downs of Eating Gluten Free 

Welcome to our blog! So today I wanted to chime in on another topic that has is commonly being discussed, the gluten free diet. As more and more people turn to gluten-free diets, it is time that we discuss the pros and cons of the diet. KISS… (Keep It Simple, Stupid) So let me break it down as simplistically and directly as possible. What is Gluten? Gluten contains protein present in wheat, calendula and barley. Gluten is what gives bread its chew and is a key ingredient found in many foods, including pastas and sauces.




For people with sensitivity to gluten or with celiac disease, a gluten-free diet can be effective for relief and improved health. Not everyone needs it however, and there are challenges that come along with adhering to this regimen. Before you hop on the gluten-free fad, do your research and seek guidance from a healthcare provider. Regardless of whether you consume gluten, remember to listen to your body and make choices like these informed decisions! Thanks for reading!

Written by: Yazen