Comparison is the Thief of Joy

In this day and age, social media usage is becoming harder and harder to avoid. Along with this is seeing more and more videos of users posting their extravagant lifestyles, often many people’s dream life. This can mean a wide variety of subjects, ranging from getting into the Ivies, driving supercars, or even having a remarkable physique; whatever appeals to you. However, do not let these subjects appeal to you so much that you start comparing yourself to those who have them.

Comparing your grades with theirs, your bank account with theirs, your body with theirs, or anything at all is a trap that often leads to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. The posts you see are always just perfectly curated glimpses of others’ lives, almost never showing the full story of the struggles and challenges faced off-camera. It’s important to remember that your individual qualities make you special and set you apart from others.

When comparing yourself with others, you’re likely to focus a lot on the supposed gaps or shortcomings between you and them instead of appreciating your own progress. This can lead to frustration, inadequacy, or envy–emotions that steal your joy. You might spend more time constantly trying to reach that idealized lifestyle without knowing if that’s truly what you want or not. This cycle can be damaging, leading to time wasted on trying to hop on a bandwagon rather than seeking inner peace and fulfillment. 

To reach this, it is important to acknowledge that comparison is natural to humans but it neither should nor has to control you. Rather than viewing others as competition, try thinking of them as inspiration. Instead of thinking, “Why can’t I be them?” you can ask, “What can I learn from them to help me grow?” This mindset is a growth mindset, one that has been proven to help individuals achieve more. 

One of the best ways to escape the cycle of comparison is gratitude. Think of your personal journey and all the challenges you overcame. Celebrate your progress and acknowledge the hard work, determination, and resilience that got you to where you are today. This can help you see the greatness of your own story, rather than focusing on what you think is missing.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to achieve those goals you idolize, but the phrase “comparison is the thief of joy” should always be kept in mind. Wanting and working towards a goal is one thing, but wishing you were someone else entirely is another. Comparing yourself to those you idolize is never an approach you should take. Your success, your progress, and your self-worth are unique to you, and that is something that should be celebrated. 

Written by: Shengze