Tips for Eating Well
Here's how to snack, prep, and eat balanced. And most importantly, its easy.
POST: Snack Smart
Snacking smart is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle for teenagers. By making informed choices, incorporating nutrient-rich options, and adopting mindful eating habits, teens can fuel their bodies and minds effectively.
POST: Meal Prep Easier than Ever
Meal preparation is the easiest way to eat well in a timely and cost-effective way. However, most do not know where to begin. Here are a few basic steps to get you started on your healthy meal prep journey!
POST: Listening To Your Stomach
Listening to your stomach is an important skill that requires mindfulness, patience, and a genuine curiosity about your body's signals. By tuning in, you can foster a healthier relationship with food, prevent overeating, and address potential digestive concerns.
POST: How to Stay Healthy With a Stomach Bug
If I had to make a wager, I would stake my entire life savings on the fact that you didn’t find this article by sheer coincidence. I’m also perhaps the worst gambler in the world. Point is, you’re not here because you want to be, and I am much the same way. I caught a stomach bug while out traveling, and my body kindly informed me of that fact on the plane ride home. Following the worst trip through customs I’ve ever experienced (a high bar), I began walking the very painful road to recovery, wishing that I had some frame of reference for my experience. This article is my attempt to address that void, and hopefully ensure you don’t have to go through as much discomfort.
POST: Developing Healthy Eating Habits for Teens
Eating habits play an important role in the overall health and well-being of children and teenagers as we grow and develop. Establishing healthy eating habits during this time can set the foundation for a lifetime of good health. In this blog, we'll explore some tips and guidelines for teens to maintain a balanced diet and make good food choices.